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Lunada Canyon
Lot PVP00098
12 x 18 in
Est. Value $600.00
Starting Bid $450.00
Current Bid (Auction Closed)
David Wolfram

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David Wolfram
David graduated with distinction from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 1985 with a BA in illustration.
David is inpsired by the changing qualities of light during the day and how different conditions affect color. He tries to capture his favorite times of day, sun-up and the 'magic moment of intense color' just before sunset, in his paintings. He is drawn to situations that contrast bold areas of light and shadow as well as colors and reflections in water.
David currently divides his time between working in oils and pastels and whenever possible prefers to paint 'en plain air'.
Painting outdoors is essential for him because it attunes his eye to the every changing light and atmosphreic conditions that influence color. He then takes that acquired knowledge to the studio to give his work veracity. Check out his blog for more information.
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